Communication Styles

Our Communication Styles

IOLO can be described as an assertive communicator for the most part. However, his emotions sometimes get the best of him and tends to shift between aggressive and passive-aggressive. He is never really passive, though, except when he doesn’t enjoy interacting with someone. He’s normally assertive and doesn’t like sugar-coating his words, he likes to express himself without being presumptuous & believes that nobody learns from being yelled at, he also believes that although he has no reason to explain himself, he will not hesitate to do so if put in a situation where he needs to. 

GRETA on the other hand is of a Passive-Aggressive style in which she has a hard time communicating because it’s hard for her to express her thoughts and emotions and ends up being stressed and angry about it and most of the time keeps silent. She tends to show this side to both family and friends, she’s struggling but she’s doing her best to break out of it and be a better communicator.

ALEXIS NICOLE M. ORTALIZ is a 2nd-year Bachelor of Arts in Communication Major in Media (BA - COMM) at the University of San Carlos. An aspiring member of the School of Arts and Sciences dance group, SAS Royale and USC-JPMAP. She is also a working student: telemarketer and social media manager at night and student by day. Being a communication student helped her nurture her skills in the field of freelancing. Road trip adventures are one of her favorites that is close to her heart.

ARABELLA E. RACAZA is a 2nd-year Communication-Media student from the University of San Carlos. She is also an active member and officer of Theatre Arts Guild under the Performing Arts Group of the University. Humor is one of her languages and expressions. She likes to explore new things with great enthusiasm, dubbed by her friends as the life of the party. Above all, Arabella thinks of herself as God’s instrument in bridging people through communication.


Hello, my name is  IOLO JUAN B. EMPHASIS , my first name's pronounced  YOLO in case you're wondering. I'm 21 & I'm a Com...